Welcome Art4Art's sake Productions. We produced my play On the Brink of Promise last August and this March, we'll be producing my (and Don Chaffer's) musical The Sparkley Clean Funeral Singers! I am extremely excited to bring this comedy to the stage along with our director David Hemsley Caldwell and fellow cast members Lauren Braddock Havey, Alan Lee and Robby Coles.
We're not a huge theater company with a big backdrop of donors behind us. So, truly, any and all contributions will be greatly appreciated! All contributions will go towards space rental, set, set building, lighting design, sound design, props as well as director, cast and crew stipends.
If you can't contribute financially, we hope you'll help to promote the show via social media and/or word of mouth. The show is a guaranteed good time! Our director is David Caldwell and our cast includes: Lori Fischer, Lauren Braddock Havey, Robert Coles and Alan Lee.
For those of you who plan on attending, the show will run March 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22 @ 7:00 pm and @ 2:00 on March 15, 16 & 22 To buy a ticket go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-sparkley-clean-funeral-singers-tickets-1229607702739?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
To go to our funding site: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-sparkley-clean-funeral-singers-production/x/35199545#/
To buy a script or license the show go to: https://www.concordtheatricals.com/p/59980/the-sparkley-clean-funeral-singers
To buy a script or license the show go to: https://www.concordtheatricals.com/p/4994/barbaras-blue-kitchen